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You can also join us on Discord! Related Communities pnach is in PCSX2/Cheats folder, and I have Enabled Cheats checked in the drop down menu.To get started check out our wiki page or The Emulation General Wiki.

Is there something specific with that game that needs to be done or are my codes faulty? Any and all advice would be hugely appreciated. I want to purchase all the stuff in Soulcalibur III without the tedious grind (already did this on console years ago) but the codes I have for infinite gold/max gold/etc. I simply could not get any of the cheats to work in the game I'm wanting to use them on. So after looking up various guides, downloading Omniconvert, PCSX2CE, converting codes to RAW myself, putting them into the proper pnach format and trying everything else I can think of, I finally gave up to ask here for some help to see what I'm doing wrong.